Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This is not how it is supposed to feel.

Is it?

I mean, bleary-eyed, bone tired, can hardly move and everything aches.  I get it, if you have a newborn (they can be kind of inconsiderate).

But a two year old?  One that is almost two and a half?  Is she supposed to wake up a ton and then spend a couple hours climbing all over you, laughing and singing, gleefully declaring "Dere's mommy!", alternating with piteous moans and wails when she is in her crib and not right beside me?

I get it, those molars STINK.  And its the LAST one.  And now you seem to have a cold, which is making it hard to breathe.  And you are apparently another one of those high need babies/spirited kids, which has never really been a great sleeper from the get go.

But. BUT. Mommy needs more than an hour here and there.  As you know, you also share a room with your brother currently due to space constraints.  So when you are raising hell/partying like a rock star for a significant amount of time...we have to move him.  Into our bed.  And then one of us (likely me), has to sleep on his bed in your room.  Sleep should be in airquotes of the most sarcastic variety.  Because this kind of behavior is causing insomnia for all of us (especially me.  and you.  YOU AND ME, BABY).

These are supposed to be the times I will miss.  Well, guess what?  You're not making that easy.  When you sleep decently (not fabulous, but I will take decent any old day), I start to get cocky and think our days of this kind of nonsense are coming to a close.  (And I also like you 1000% better the next day too!)  Well, looks like the joke is on me!

I hope not for long.  We have company coming tomorrow night and I will be in your room for three nights whether we all like or not.  I've been stressing about that all week, what with this still going on.

So, newsflash, Ava Mae, you are fantastic and I love you to pieces.  But I'm gonna need a little (lot) more sleep to be able to adequately express that.  Help me help you.



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