Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I left the blogging life, for many reasons, none good enough...and now seems like a perfect time to return. New Year, new start right? I plan on using this space as a continuation of my previous blog, The Wakeful Baby, and once I am able to regain access to all of that I will move it over. I had to start a new one since it has been so long I have forgotten the access info!

I'd been planning (for the last two years!  I knooooooow.) to change it's name to "The Wakeful Babies", and continue on from there, since in my looooooong hiatus, I had another (wakeful!) baby...cause that's how I do! She is now almost two years and five months, and currently STILL wakeful due to cutting her last (hoorah!!!) two year molar. I can't WAIT to be done with the teething stage! I keep joking about throwing a party after that!  With lots of champagne.  ALL the champagne.  With the tiny bubbles.

Anyhow, I'll probably talk a lot about my kids, but also about a lot of other random things too, so I didn't want the title to be too reductionistic.  And also because our life is crazy beautiful and I need to remember that.  LIFE is crazy and beautiful, and sometimes, as a good friend says, brutiful, even.  It just IS.  Everything.  All of it.  SO MUCH.

I know it's cliche to make New Year's resolutions which will be likely broken by February, so I'm just going to say Happy New Year, and call this a return to my love of writing, no resolutions whatsoever, except to do the things that bring me joy.  So, here I go.

Stay tuned!

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