Monday, January 11, 2016

A Story worth Sharing

Lately, I've come across a blog belonging to Rory, who is one half of the country duo "Joey and Rory" (you can also find their blog This Life I Live on my blogroll).  I'll admit I hadn't heard of them before, but kept seeing posts about them on my Facebook feed.  He blogs about their everyday life together with their daughter Indy, and unfortunately the turn things have taken with his wife Joey battling a recurring cancer and now on hospice care.

Despite how heartbreaking this sounds (and it is), theirs is a beautiful love story, and their faith is incredible and completely shines through in every post and picture.  The amount of love they have for one another is tangible and their triumph in the midst of heartbreak makes it a real life story worth sharing.

Since I first came across their story, I have been wading through the archives of Rory's blog (and sobbing = tissues are recommended).  They are truly an inspiration in their love and faith, and I feel like I know them in some small way.  If you are a praying person, please keep them in your prayers; Rory as he learns to navigate the last days with his wife and deal with her painful absence in the days to come; Indy, that she would always know how much her mother loved her, and treasure the songs, and stories, and keepsakes she left just for her; and Joey, that she would leave this world peacefully and knowing how loved she is as she transitions from this world to her Father's arms.

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